The Board of Governors Holiday Song, Santa Claus is Coming to Town

The Board of Governors Holiday Song, Santa Claus is Coming to Town

by Donald Morris, DO

You Better Watch Out, You're going to cry You better wear a mask, we're telling you why, Covid 19 is here, in town

Dr Morris is wearing his mask He tightened it twice, No matter what he does His glasses fog up just like ice Covid 19 is here in our town

It's here when Dr Peets is working, It caused his office to be rearranged Which is driving him nuts, but he wants to make sure that they're a safe

You Better Watch Out, You're going to cry You better wear a mask, we're telling you why, Covid 19 is here, in town

Dr Davis' fixing her schedule So Holidays will be great For her holiday time Being grandma is her fate Covid 19 is here in our town

Dr Shermetaro has been working , hard this presidential year He has kept us so together, yes he deserves a beer

You Better Watch Out, You're going to cry You better wear a mask, we're telling you why, Covid 19 is here, in town

Ralph is making lists With figures and graphs Looking for more ways To help our wonderful staff Covid 19 is here in our town

Dr Patel has been terrific, zoom meetings are so new It is so amazing, how his vice presidential year just flew

You Better Watch Out, You're going to cry You better wear a mask, we're telling you why, Covid 19 is here, in town

Dr Kitsco's looking forward To when this year is through We liked him so much, on the board, We made him have year two You Better Watch Out, You're going to cry You better wear a mask, we're telling you why, Covid 19 is here, in town

Posted in Scope Winter 2021 on Dec 16, 2020